Sunday, November 15, 2009

Alternate Reality Movies

Movies often touch on alternate reality and conspiracy theories to intrigue the audience, a good example of this is "Stranger than Fiction" starring Will Ferrell.

This movie is about a man who lives a boring life, as an accountant, who is meticulous and always follows a routine, and then starts hearing a strange narrative omnipotent voice speaking as he does actions. The voice says that he will die soon, so he hurries and gets the help of a narrative expert and ends up realising that his entire life has been dictated and written by an author who always kills off her main characters at the end of the book. His whole life is at the mercy of a lady who writes trageties. He finds the author and convinces her to re-write the ending, which saves his life and allows him to be with the girl he loves, who he only met due to the narrator's influence.

This movie just shows how our reality is a fragile thing, and can often be changed. If someone was in control of your life, it could be ended on a whim or the best things in the world could happen to you for no reason whatsoever. This can be worrying as who really wants to think that their life balances under the control of someone they cannot influence or speak to, although in this movie, it was possible for the character to escape from the author and write his own path.

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