Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ethics, ethics, everywhere!

We started a new unit of ethics, which is all about how we come up with ethics and why we believe in them. It poses an interesting question, why do we think certain values are important. I mean, we never really think why we believe stuff like; killing is wrong, stealing is wrong, drugs are bad. I mean, there is the obvious reasons, some are bad for your health, some are against our human rights, but still, we never really consider the motives behind our internal moral compass. I guess it depends on the society or culture we are immersed in and our personal beliefs, which are often instilled in us through our family's beliefs and instincts. I guess in a way, most moral dilemmas are really just roundabout reasoning, like we learned before, it is circular reasoning to believe in something because your reasoning relies on that reasoning. I mean, our morals are instilled in us because that is the general concensus and we then create the concensus for everyone else. It really is a strange concept if you think about it and I wonder if it is really trustworthy to believe in morals just because everyone else does. I guess each person needs to sit down and think, like I have, and decide what they believe is good or bad. Some of the morals around me I find are not really as extreme or singular as others tend to believe while some are important, and should be paid more attention to.

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