Sunday, October 18, 2009

Beautiful Person Q2

The second task is:
Does the concept of beauty change over time? Space? Culture?

Beauty has always seemed to change as time passes, in fact, long ago, certain fashionable looks would seem completely ridiculous now as some of our ideal 'beautiful' looks would seem truly ugly to those people. Up till about a century ago, a woman was supposed to have a solid figure, some meat on the bones was considered a sign of being healthy and wealthy enough to recieve a lot of food, therefore it was one of the most desirable looks (for men to be chubby was also desirable although the contrast to now is not nearly as strong). Nowadays, a person slightly overweight is considered uglier than a skinny person with the same facial features or look. In fact, supermodels, people who are well reknown for being 'beautiful' are so skinny that it becomes seriously dangerous and unhealthy. Women never become truly happy with their body type or look because the look is so focused on a virtually impossible body shape which only a few can naturally obtain. It almost becomes ridiculous!

It also depends on where you are in the world, for what is the ideal, as mentioned in my previous post, societies in a country will appreciate rare looks for their particular race rather than the more common looks simply because they are different and less reoccuring. In a lot of cultures, where the hair is dark, lighter hair is a sign of beauty, while in some cultures where the hair is lighter, sometimes a darker hair tone is better appreciated and more sought after. Once again, humans always seem to want what they cant have and appreciate looks that they would not be able to suit on themselves.

Cultures also play a large part in this as well, for some cultures believe that certain looks are 'healthier' or 'better looking' like fairer skin for some while other prefer tans and bronze coloured skins. It all depend on the cultural preferences as well as the previously mentioned factors.

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